The Solanauts

An Exclusive 500 NFT Collection, the First on Solana, Representing our Wonder of the Universe and our Yearning for Exploration into the Unknown. Featuring Derivative Collection airdrops, Quarterly Revolution Rewards Raffles and more.

All Solanauts were successfully launched on September 16, 2021.

“I know the sky is not the limit because there are footprints on the Moon.”

Buzz Aldrin

Who are the Solanauts?

  • The Solanauts are The Genesis Collection of Zero G Labs and are the First 500 Supply NFT Collection on the Solana Blockchain.

What does holding a Solanaut offer me?

  • Access to the Zero G Labs Community.

  • Eligibility to receive Zero G Labs: Derivative art pieces created by well known and up and coming Artists within the Solana ecosystem.

  • Entry to a quarterly Royalty Share Raffle with entry quantities determined by the Solanaut Rank Patch. Dive into the Solanaut Whitepaper for Additional Info.

  • Whitelist Eligibility and early access for Zero G Labs Future Projects & Collections.

  • 1:1 Space Drops of all future Zero G Labs Projects.

How can I get one?

  • Secondary Marketplaces where Solanauts can now be purchased are below.


“When forced to summarize the general theory of relativity in one sentence: Time and space and gravitation have no separate existence from matter.”

Albert Einstein


“We are more fulfilled when we are involved in something bigger than ourselves.”

John Glenn


“My goal is simple. It is a complete understanding of the universe, why it is as it is and why it exists at all.”

Stephen Hawking




It all begins with an idea. Here you’ll find a high level detailed explanation of the Solanaut Project in all its glory.

Attributes and Rarities

Individual Solanaut Attributes Info Sheets detailing all Solanaut attributes and their distinct rarities and percentages throughout the 500 Solanaut collection.

Additional FAQ